Endless body pain from work? Worry less because the new Acupuncture Massage Meridian Energy Electronic Pen is here to help you! This acupuncture pen leaves no side effects on the body, and a very effective alternative treatment for body pain. Dome type massage head rejuvenates the facial muscles and gives a relaxed and fair face. Node type massage head is designed to relieve pain quickly and reliev. Spheroidal type massage head functions on your body muscles that are immobilized and contracted. If you are afraid of needles, this product got you since it wont need any needle to treat the pain. It has a digital display that shows the strength of the electrical pulse output (0 - weakest and 9 - strongest). Simply press the start button to increase or decrease the strength of the electric pulse with this product you wont need to go to clinics anymore. SPECIFICATION: ITEM: Electronic Acupuncture Pen MATERIAL: ABS+Mental PACKAGE SIZE: 23 cm x 8.5 cm x 3.2 cm POWER: AA Battery *1 (Not include)