While acupuncture uses needles to puncture or puncture the skin, this approach is made more convenient and easier by combining different pressures (acupressure) and stimulation on the surface of your skin using tourmaline materials from this health stocking. The tourmaline properties of the socks not only target natural acupuncture points, but also release negative ions and emit infrared waves that transmit heat deep into the body, forcing the body to burn more calories. Infrared heat is absorbed by cells and causes a physical phenomenon called resonance. Thus, cellular activities are instantly stimulated, resulting in better blood circulation and overall improved metabolism. OUR GUARANTEE We are confident that we offer some of the best products on the market. Therefore, we provide a 30-day guarantee. We will make every effort to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your purchase. Online shopping can seem daunting. We want you to know that there is absolutely zero risk of purchasing something. We won't make it difficult if you don't love it. We offer email and ticket support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you require assistance, please contact us. Please contact customer service if you have any problems with your purchase.