It stimulates more than 2,800 reflex points in the feet. The Cvreoz Knee Hot Compress Joint Patch generates heat without the need for electricity or other energy sources. This hot-pressed steam knee brace is based on glucosamine chondroitin heating, heat therapy, and absinthe therapy to provide users with multi-faceted leg massage and stimulation. It helps effectively stimulate the bodys blood and lymph circulation, relieve varicose veins, and reduce fluid accumulation and cellulite in the body. Research shows that self-heating knee braces are an excellent option for relieving knee pain and inflammation. Cvreoz Knee Hot Compress Joint Patch generates heat without the need for an external energy source. According to the New York Medical Center, the simplest, safest, and most effective way to treat most diseases, including cancer, is to increase body temperature through infrared therapy. Heating the body causes blood vessels to dilate, which increases circulation and oxygen delivery throughout the body. Our Cvreoz Knee Heat Joint Patch can help you with your weight loss plan and is 80% reflexology-friendly to get you to your ideal weight, even if you dont exercise regularly and eat a healthy, balanced diet. By heating the legs, this knee brace helps increase metabolic rate, remove toxins from the body, and eliminate the buildup of cellulite and lipedema from the body.