Studies have shown thatTourmaline has a vasodilatory effect on veins, which helps to reduce the pressure in the veins and improve blood circulation. It also helps to reduce the risk of thrombosis and other vascular diseases. The soles of the human feet bring together all the organs of the body and also distribute manyacupuncture points. They are connected to The heart, intestines, lymphatic system and skin tissues.Tomalinewhich speeds up blood circulation for the user can boost the bodys metabolism, expel waste and toxins from the body and suppress appetite, thus achieving a slimming and weight loss effect. And it not only relieves daily stress, but also improves physical health by tightening and strengthening muscles while reducing the cellulite and varicose veins. It makes the legs slim and toned. Tomalineis a natural gemstone, called tourmaline in mineralogy, and is generally in the form of columnar crystals. It has a unique piezoelectric and thermoelectric effect, which generates an electric charge when it is heated, pressured or excited by other energy, releasing a large number ofnegative ionsand emittingbeneficial far-infrared rays, with special electromagnetic wave protection function. Tourmaline powder is added to various carriers, which has a variety of effects: generate negative oxygen ions; can inhibit bacteria and eliminate odor; can live gas. Tomaline also hashealth care functions, to promote human metabolism, eliminate fatigue, stabilize the plant nervous system, improve human microcirculation are very good effect; Secondly, the negative ions released by Tomarine can neutralize body fluids to make it alkaline, purify blood, activate cells, to ensure vigorous energy. UltraSLIM Tourmaline Ion Body Shaping Silk Stockings help women lose weight by using tourmaline ions to stimulate the bodys metabolism and improve circulation. The tourmaline ions also help to reduce cellulite and improve skin tone. The stockings are made from a special material that helps to reduce water retention and promote fat burning. The combination of these effects helps to reduce fat and shape the body. Sharon Williams,35,Sheridan,Wyoming Package Includes: 1 x Fivfivgo UltraSLIM Tourmaline Ion Body Shaping Stretch-Seidenstrmpfe