The flysmus Golden Lure Men Feromone Perfume is formulated with The most potent pheromonesand extracts available that canhelp improve your relationships and chemistry with women.It enhances yourpheromone productionnaturally whichelevates your attractivenessand appeal while helping you smell and feel good. Our perfume is designed toenhancethe attractive genetic markersthat can be found in the pheromones.The increased potency of your natural pheromonesfrom the Golden Lure Pheromone Men Perfume willgrab the attention of any woman passing by you.One smell of your scent will give themsensual cues subconsciously.This makes themwant to get close to you andexperience you completely.And thatmakes any woman interested in youwith just a whiff of your pheromones combined with our perfume. Why Makes flysmus Golden Lure Men Feromone Perfume So Good? Specifications Package Includes