Rejuvenate Your Skin With Just Rolling & Pressing! For centuries, rose quartz crystals have been used in beauty rituals for their healing, detoxifying, and radiance-infusing properties. Lets revitalize your skin withRose Quartz Smoothen Massager. Designed with the same natural properties ofgenuine rose quartzthat is perfectly combined with abeautifying power of vibrating massage. A massager that is designed to helpreduce puffiness, dark circles and minor inflammation. Simply put this device on skin, and you can feel its vibration clearly which canrelax muscles, release aching. The under-eye press massager helpsreduce puffiness and dark circles. You also cankeep it on acupoint for a whileand then lightly rub occupant.A truly luxe facial massage experience. FEATURES: SPECIFICATIONS: PACKAGE INCLUDES: