The lymphatic system constitutes a one-way transport system that operates in conjunction with the circulatory system. Its primary function is to transport excess interstitial fluid, from the interstitial space, back to the blood circulation, via the thoracic duct. Lymph, also called lymphatic fluid, is a collection of the extra fluid that drains from cells and tissues (that is not reabsorbed into the capillaries) plus other substances. The other substances include proteins, minerals, fats, nutrients, damaged cells, cancer cells and foreign invaders (bacteria, viruses, etc). Lymph also transports infection-fighting white blood cells (lymphocytes). Your lymphatic system, part of your immune system, has many functions. They include protecting your body from illness-causing invaders, maintaining body fluid levels, absorbing digestive tract fats and removing cellular waste. Blockages, diseases or infections can affect your lymphatic systems function. The National Institutes of Health reported that aside from surgery & diet plans,magnetic therapy has proven effective over the long term for most patients with clinically severe obesity.After reviewing of literature onmagnetic weight loss therapy, we find this approach works for16 in 20 (approximately 80%) morbidly obeseindividuals. Magnetic Therapyis considered to havehealing propertiesbecause of itshigh iron contentwhich helpsboost blood & lymphatic circulationin the body. Well, we know that if the circulation is poor, cells in your body are being blocked from getting the nutrients & oxygen they need to thrive, resulting in slow metabolism & toxin accumulation. After therapy, a significant decrease in limb circumference measurements was noted, and an improvement in quality of life was registered. Laboratory examination showed the treatmentdecreased the deposition of fluid, fat, hyaluronan, and protein, improving the swelling condition. Negative ionsincrease the permeability of the cell membrane whichfacilitates the absorption of tissue fluid into lymph vessels.Therefore, it canprevent the blockage of the lymphatic system. Wearing thisKnoix Magnetherapy Earrings is proven to: âPromotes body detoxification âHinders clogging in your lymph âFights the build-up of obstructions in your lymphatic system âDiminish chronic inflammation âBoost lymphatic circulation âDecreases swelling caused by water retention âBoost immune system Specifications Product Inclusion: 1 x SlimEdge DiamondCut LymphDetox Magnetherapy Earrings