Easy & Extremely Cost-Effective Way To Keep Rodents, Pests & Mice AwayFrom Your Gardenâ Relax knowingthat your lawn is protected even when itrains due to the waterproofandcorrosion prooffeatures in the mole vole repellant No chemicalsor poison is used in this process. Moles, gophers and other burrowing rodents andchased awayrather than harmed in the process. Use a 100% child safe, environmentally friendly approachto prevent your property from being infested with moles, voles, shrews, gophers anddestructive ground rodents. During installation of the yard mole repellantsbe placed on every 96 feet on your lawn. Sonic pulses emitted 3-4s sonic pulses forevery 30 seconds, it penetrates the soil and also forces pests to evacuate the area through which The sound is travelling. Generally, it takes approximately 2-4 weeksfor the moles and gophers to be driven from your garden. After which your garden will befrom rodents Feature: